Tag: material design

March 24, 2016

Android Material Design Bottom Sheets Tutorial

With the Arrival of the new version 23.2 of library support Android brings a new component that can enrich the user interface of some of our applications, calls Bottom Sheets. You can find a detailed description of this component in the guides design of Material design. What is Bottom Sheets ? A bottom sheet is a sheet of material that slides up from the bottom […]

March 2, 2016

Android Material Design Snackbar Tutorial

One of the basic UX component in Android is an Toast. It is generally used to show little message to the user. But last year when material design was released, a new UX component Snackbar was introduced. Android Snackbar is just like a Toast message except that it has an option for user feedback. You can call it as a toast message with an action […]

February 23, 2016

Android Material Design Floating Label for EditText Tutorial

One of the basic UI widgets in Android is an EditText. It is generally used to take inputs from the user. While typing in EditText , it hides the hint which may create problem to identify EditText without label but last year when material design was released, a new concept of floating labels was introduced. This new Android floating label EditText concept initially showed a […]